Happy Thanksgiving to our American Cousins

Happy Thanksgiving to our American Cousins! From the SilverDane team!

Enjoy your long weekend!

Out of interest……

Introducing the Source of all eDiscovery information!

Ever wonder where the “go to place” is for information regarding archiving news, legislation, court rulings and all things important in the world of corporate knowledge? We do too. So we have decided to create our own. We have started to actively accrue information for the Source and you will see that every couple of days a new set of what’s important in email archiving and discovery is appearing on our site.

You can RSS Subscribe to this to be notified of links to all new posts as we publish them. We want our page to become the source of all email archiving related information.

Post Brainshare Exhilaration

Oh my goodness!

When we signed up to exhibit at Novell’s Brainshare 2011, we did not expect an event with so much excitement about Novell and their new direction under Attachmate.

It has been a week now since we got back, and we are still reeling from both the event and the aftermath (and all of the incredible travel disasters that occurred on the way but that is a completely different blog!)

The people were amazing. With over 2000 people in attendance the atmosphere was beyond what we anticipated. We had so many fantastic people visit our booth from all over the world, both at the Oktoberfest theme party and during the week. I can’t recall a Brainshare (and I have been at more than I care to admit) where I have worked so hard and seen so many people come past our booth. It was great to catch up with some of our existing customers from afar as well as meet a host of potential new ones.

While our SD MeetMe product was very much a hot topic, Adrian, Henrik and I were very much left with the impression that controlling risk, Compliance and email Archiving are definitely the topics of the hour, and the interest we had from attendees regarding SD Archive for archiving, retention, eDiscovery and restoration of GroupWise accounts was fantastic to see.

The technology showcase and lab was hot with excitement over the new products that Novell had on offer and the number of partners who participated in the event. Attachmate have invested heavily in the Novell teams, both on the product side and on the customer side and this was very evident. So if you haven’t yet had a visit from Novell people who are re:focused on their customers- expect one.

Lots of work has been done with GroupWise 2012 and its impending release was cause for much talk and excitement around Brainshare. We gained a unique opportunity to chat in depth with the Collaboration team and the magic that they have worked with GroupWise and Vibe is going to make those two products unstoppable.

GroupWise 2012 users can expect dramatic improvements to mobility (particularly on Apple’s iPad and iPhone – which are very near and dear to my own heart) as well as a very sexy new Web Access interface. Integrations with Vibe make anyone looking at Microsoft’s SharePoint do a double take; and the wondrous inclusion of Novell’s Data Synchroniser virtually eliminates any third party integration arguments people have thrown at Novell in the past.

If you have recently migrated away from GroupWise- you should be kicking yourself, and if you haven’t but are thinking migration is a foregone conclusion, you might want to revisit those business reasons and have another look before you make a costly mistake.

Novell is back in the house! See you at Brainshare in 2012!

Adrian (VP Bus Dev & Marketing), Taryn (CEO) and Henrik (BDE) at the Oktoberfest Theme Party- Brainshare 2011

Evidentiary quality discovery data for legal purposes

When you archive your email with SilverDane’s SD Archive, all messages are tamper proof, and before they are even captured there is the retention guarantee that they will make it to the archive. Secure chains of custody are maintained throughout the entire lifecycle of the message, with full audit trails of who is searching for the item, viewing it and working with it.

The result is email data to support the most demanding legal requirements. In fact, SilverDane’s power as an eDiscovery and litigation hold tool has been used intrinsically in hundreds of legal discoveries and has been tested in courts in countries all around the world.

A lot of organizations now are required to demonstrate that they have policies and practises in place to prove they are “doing the right things and have the audit trail to prove it”

The law is becoming tougher and tougher on the “we can’t find it” argument.

“By now, it should be abundantly clear that the duty to preserve means what it says and that a failure to preserve records — paper or electronic — and to search in the right places for those records, will inevitably result in the spoliation of evidence.” The Pension Comm. of Univ. of Montreal Pension Plan et al v. Banc of America Securities, LLC, et al., 05 Civ. 9016 (S.D.N.Y. 2010).

A finding of spoliation can lead to:
• Sanctions – fines / penalties
• Adverse inference instruction to jury
• Reversal of burdens of proof
• Dismissal of claims or defenses
• Ultimate loss of the case (monetary judgment, injunctive relief, loss of IP, etc)
• Damaged reputation

Spoliation can result even when the judgement goes in your favour. It is not enough to be in the right, you have to be able to prove it.

SD Archive has been designed to help you achieve this.

SilverDane Integrates with your GroupWise Strategy

We know GroupWise.

Our team have been working with GroupWise since before it was GroupWise, in multiple roles, from teaching it as CNI’s to migrating to it (and from it) as CNE’s, in organizations with 100 to 100,000 users, to participating intrinsically in BETA testing new releases as Novell’s fabulous GroupWise product development team churned out yet another release of the worlds most secure email system.

We know GroupWise……
………….. and we know the people who love it, and why they love it.

When we sat down around a board room table with a white board and what we thought were white board makers 6 years ago, there was an outrageous air of excitement about us.

Excitement builds for BrainShare 2011

It’s that time of year again and we’re counting down the sleeps to this year’s BrainShare… it just might be the best yet!

We think this year’s event is particularly important, given the major changes at Novell this year with its sale to Attachmate. We have high expectations that Attachmate will do a great job at refocusing and reinvigorating Novell. The future looks bright for those loyal customers who have stuck by Novell.

We’ve had a stellar year so far at SilverDane HQ, and are in the final stages of wrapping up a 22,000 user SD Archive deployment for GroupWise. What a job!

Our operations have expanded exponentially so far in 2011, resellers are fielding plenty of queries and our research and product development is busier than it has ever been getting SD Archive ready for Novell’s latest release of GroupWise (codenamed Ascot) and implementing our new look and feel for both SD MeetMe and SD Archive. We are all buzzing with excitement about these changes!

We love any chance we get to visit the US of A and can’t wait to meet up with our customers, see our old Novell friends and make new ones from around the world.

If you’re interested in knowing more about SD Archive and MeetMe or just want to chat with an Aussie lass, an English chap or a Swede, Taryn, Adrian and Henrik would love to meet you. Drop by the SilverDane booth 700, next to the information counter.

BrainShare is held this year in Salt Lake City, Utah, from October 10-14.

Brainshare 2011

SilverDane is thrilled to be attending Brainshare 2011 as a sponsor. Novell’s Brainshare has always been an excellent forum for connecting with other professionals in our industry and catching up with what our peers are doing “at their place”.

Adrian, Henrik & Taryn will be showcasing both SD MeetMe™ and SD Archive™ this year. Who knows, you may even meet Doug and Art?

Registration is $1,600USD.

Our Team is Growing

We have two fantastic new editions to the SilverDane All Talk and Colouring In departments in our Edmonton Office, that have joined us over the last month, in continuing with our theme of hiring foreigners, Adrian is originally from the UK and Henrik is from Sweden!

“Eh hello chaps…”
The very witty and talented Adrian Le Coyte has joined us full of energy and ideas to transform our business development and marketing into something out of this world. He leads our small but effective team. Look out for the fruits of his labour over the coming months

“Hej allihopa…..”
Henrik joins us after deciding that the life of a professional tennis player wasn’t going to be as fun as working for SilverDane, (and frankly I would have to agree).
As our multi lingual BDE Henrik is excited to sync his teeth into new and existing customers in both North American and Europe, and has already managed to make most of us feel redundant in the European conference calls.

We had a chat with both of them to get to know them a little better.


1) What is your earliest IT memory?
Being presented with a mainframe computer at age 13, i was told that it could do anything, so i asked it, ‘where is merlin buried ?’…. my journey with technology ever since has been about managing expectations. (they had computers when you were 13?)

1) What do you do to relax?
Reconcile my bank statements

1) What is your least favourite chore?
Reconciling my bank statements

1) What five things do you make sure you have when travelling for work?
Trouser-fly in upright and locked position, a return date, as little luggage as possible, slip-on shoes, poker face.

1) Favourite sport?
Watching England lose (everything)

1) Do you have pets?
Children: emma-6 and William-3
Hates: slow drivers, repetition, bad grammer.

1) Any tips for beginners?
Everyone is beginning something, everywhere

1) Who do you admire?
High rise window cleaners

1) Looking back, what advice would you give yourself now if you were starting out?
Work less, play more.  Every person has their own needs, frailties and sensitivities – and they are not going to be the same as yours.  To get the best out of others, you have to take them into account.

1) Favourite meal?
Indian curry and EVERYTHING my wife cooks (irrespective of the taste).

1) Favourite film?
Life as a house

1) Favourite Book?
A happy death – albert camus

2) Favourite TV Show of all time
The Shield

1) What are you hoping to achieve in the next 3 months?
Relocate my family to Alberta AND avoid divorce
Gain intimate knowledge of the product
Understand how the good ship ‘SilverDane’ works best; those who stoke the boiler, those who hold the tiller and those who man the pumps. ( at first glance though, I do note that there are more people than life-jackets).
Establish a clear marketing road map
Earn the trust and respect of my colleagues  ( preferably)
Generate interest and enthusiasm from those out there who we know need our product and the care of our services.
Sign customers.

And Henrik:

1) What is your earliest IT memory?
The screeching sound of a dial-up modem

1) What do you do to relax?
Watch sports, play the electric guitar, hiking and camping in nature 

1) What is your least favourite chore?
Cleaning bathrooms

1) What five things do you make sure you have when travelling for work?
Credit card, iPhone, business clothing, business shoes, bathroom kit

1) Favourite sport?

1) Do you have pets?
Sadly no

1) Any tips for beginners?
The will to succeed must be greater than the fear of failing

1) Who do you admire?
My wife and Ikea

1) Looking back, what advice would you give yourself now if you were starting out?
Just do it

1) Favourite meal?

1) Favourite film?
Saving Private Ryan

1) Favourite Book?
Lord of the Ring

1) Favourite tv show of all time
Family Guy

1) What are you hoping to achieve in the next 3 months?
To learn the ropes of my role at SilverDane inside-out and acquire a new customer to our organization

Look out we are about to unleash these two guys on you!

New Digs for Canada!

Our Edmonton office have finally found their roots and after a trying week of moving furniture equipment and IP addresses have begun to settle in to our new premises in Edmonton.

The historic one hundred year old building, LeMarchand Mansion is our new home and offers us a great place to get creative, and inspired as we come up with new ways to help you discover the answers!

Christmas & New Year Hours & Support

SilverDane will be closed this year between Christmas Eve – Friday 24th December 2010, 5pm until 8am Tuesday the 4th January 2011.

Support will be available for our customers based on your individual support contracts.

For Silver Support customers, support will be unavailable on regulated public holidays which are:

Monday 27th December 2010 – Christmas Day regulated public holiday
Tuesday 28th December 2010 – Boxing Day regulated public holiday
Monday 3rd January 2011 – New Years Day regulated public holiday.

Please log your support calls via the support web site to ensure fastest response times.